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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 04 2 Locatio conductio operis and operarum, Agreement in terms of which an independent contractor (conductor) undertakes to complete a specific piece of work as a whole against remuneration by locator (employer) where Undertakes to achieve a specific result; completion of something, A asks to make ring from A's own gold: operis as B only manufacturing versus A asks B to make ring with B's gold: sale, Restaurant and go to man w/ fishing vessel and he decides where to go, when to throw out net, etc, then operis maybe consider Own or someone else's equipment, In earlier times, independent contractor bore risk but harsh bc only paid after the job done ???? Late classical law: employer liable unless w/i sphere of independent contractor eg flu, but liable if ground for canal unsuitable, Duty of care is culpa eg Liable for the negligence of someone hired by you bc of policy reasons: if debtor avails himself to advantages of distributions of labour, he exposes himself to greater risk, Hire of services for compensation with Operae or service and not operis which is a specific piece of work like ring, Artes liberales: professional services is an Agreement in terms of which an independent contractor (conductor) undertakes to complete a specific piece of work as a whole against remuneration by locator (employer), Undertakes to achieve a specific result; completion of something and is Bona fide, Undertakes to achieve a specific result; completion of something with the examples of Transport contract (by sea), building a house, copying a manuscript, repair of something and landscaping, Enforceable by actio locatio and Conductor (employer) also has duty of care of culpa, Complete contract timeously and to the satisfaction of lessor by Specific date or reasonable time, Artes liberales: professional services distinguish A asks to make ring from A's own gold: operis as B only manufacturing, If employer dies, heirs will still pay employee for a certain amount of time where Contract terminated, but reasonable time to get new job, Operarum is Hire of services for compensation, Actio locati against captain who has Actio conducti against goods owners, Fine to do manual labour on your own farm but Having to do that kind of labour for pmt frowned upon, Operae or service and not operis which is a specific piece of work like ring and Artes illiberales: types of services normally done by slave, LOCATIO CONDUCTIO ???? Operis, Enforced with actio conducti and incl Duty to deliver service, Duties of independent contractor to Complete contract timeously and to the satisfaction of lessor